a bat is laying on a wooden surface .

Bat Removal And Control


Bat Removal And Control

As the nocturnal beasts of the sky, bats are a common sight for Ohio residents. Many people may know them as nocturnal creatures that use echolocation to find food, but it doesn't have to be entirely dark out for you to spot one. While they may be interesting from afar, they can become problematic when up close and personal.


The Ohio Department of Natural Resources reports that there are ten common bat species in the state, classified as nuisance species. Because their habitat regularly decreases, they're finding their way into man-made structures more often.


While not all bats hibernate, they still need a warm, dry area to stay safe during the day when they sleep. They find their way into attics, sheds, and other spaces around your property through gaps or cracks in places like windows, vents, and even the chimney. These creatures can damage nearby wires, insulation, or items stored in the area and do even more damage as they try to find their way back out of your home. While it's more common to find a lone bat stranded in your home, there may be some cases where you find that the whole colony has relocated to your property.


Bats can also be a significant risk to your health and your household. They can carry diseases and are one of the most common carriers of rabies in the U.S. You can't easily tell if an animal has rabies, and even a small scratch is a reason to take a trip to the ER. Bat bites are very small and can easily go unnoticed if there's a commotion. If you have had a bat loose in your house, you should have your home checked for urine or feces and also check with a healthcare professional that you haven't been exposed to diseases. It is unnecessary to come into direct contact with the pathogens in their excrement to become infected. 


Like bees and birds, bats are important pollinators and help distribute seeds to preserve many species. While these creatures can risk your property and health, it's important not to harm bats in your area. If you encounter a problem with bats on your property, contact a local team that is familiar with humanely handling these animals. They must be carefully trapped and released back where they're no longer dangerous to the local population. Once they are removed, it is imperative to seal up the openings they came in through. 


It's important to ensure a healthy balance between your property and the wildlife in your environment. If you're experiencing nuisance animal issues or want to avoid the potential for one, you need to have the right experts on the job. Cincinnati, Ohio's #1 wildlife removal and repair service, Critter Detective, is dedicated to effective and humane animal removal, exclusion, clean up, and repair. Contact our team of wildlife professionals today to learn more about how we can reduce the risk of nuisance wildlife in your area or an estimate for an existing issue.

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