a close up of a sprayer with a green background

Decontamination Service

a close up of a sprayer with a green background

Dead Animal Removal

When wildlife finds its way into your home, it's not just the uninvited guests you need to worry about. Animals such as raccoons, squirrels, bats, and birds can leave behind a trail of destruction and contamination that poses serious risks to your health and property. This is where our expert decontamination services come into play.

The Core Service

Decontamination after a wildlife invasion is a multi-faceted process. It's not just about cleaning; it's about ensuring that your space is completely free from any health risks associated with wildlife intrusions. 

The first step in the process is a comprehensive assessment. Our trained professionals will meticulously inspect your property to identify all affected areas. This is a crucial step, as wildlife can often access parts of your home that are out of sight, such as attics, crawl spaces, and behind walls.

Once the affected areas are identified, the next crucial step is the removal of contaminated materials. This includes wildlife droppings, urine, nesting materials, and any other debris that the animals have left behind. It's important to understand that these materials can pose significant health risks. For instance, droppings and urine can harbor bacteria, viruses, and parasites. They can also lead to the growth of mold and fungi, which can cause respiratory issues.  

Our team is equipped with the right tools and protective gear to safely remove these materials. This is where the importance of professional handling becomes evident. Attempting to clean up wildlife waste without proper equipment or knowledge can expose you to health hazards. For example, disturbing dry droppings can release harmful particles into the air, which can be inhaled and lead to diseases.

Sanitizing And Restoring Safety

After the removal of contaminated materials, our focus shifts to sanitizing the affected areas. This is a critical part of the process, as it ensures the elimination of harmful pathogens. We use EPA-approved disinfectants that are effective against a broad spectrum of bacteria and viruses. These disinfectants are applied thoroughly to all contaminated surfaces, ensuring that no harmful residues remain.

In addition to cleaning and sanitizing, odor removal is also a significant aspect of our service. Wildlife can leave behind strong, unpleasant odors that can linger in your home. These odors are not just a nuisance; they can also attract other wildlife to your property. We use advanced deodorizing techniques to neutralize and eliminate these odors, making your home a more pleasant and inviting space.

Why DIY Is Not Recommended

The risks associated with DIY decontamination are substantial. Without the proper knowledge and equipment, you could inadvertently expose yourself and your family to harmful pathogens. In addition, improper cleaning methods may not effectively eliminate all contaminants, leading to ongoing health risks and the potential for re-infestation.

Furthermore, wildlife often causes unseen damage that can have long-term consequences for your home. For example, urine and feces can soak into wood and insulation, weakening these materials and potentially leading to costly repairs down the line. Our team not only cleans but also assesses for such damage, providing recommendations for any necessary repairs.

Did you know that a single bat can consume up to 3,000 insects in a night? While this is beneficial for pest control, bats living in your attic can leave behind significant amounts of guano, which can harbor fungal spores harmful to humans. In the Cincinnati area alone, wildlife invasions are more common than you might think, with reports of animal break-ins increasing during certain times of the year, particularly in the fall and winter months when animals seek shelter.

Many people are unaware of the extent of damage and contamination that wildlife can cause. For example, a single mouse can produce up to 70 droppings per day, and these droppings can contain harmful pathogens like salmonella. Similarly, bat guano can accumulate in large quantities in attics, creating a significant health hazard. 

Wildlife invasions are on the rise, with urban sprawl and habitat loss driving more animals into residential areas. This makes decontamination services more relevant than ever, as more homeowners find themselves dealing with the aftermath of wildlife invasions.

The decontamination service offered by Critter Detective is an essential response to the growing issue of wildlife invasions in residential areas. Our comprehensive approach ensures that your home is not only clean but also safe and healthy for you and your family. By choosing professional decontamination services, you're not just cleaning your home; you're protecting it from the hidden dangers that wildlife can leave behind.

Frequently Asked Decontamination Questions

Q1. Can Wildlife Decontamination Help with Allergy Reduction?

A1. Wildlife can introduce various allergens into your home, including dander, fur, and droppings, which can exacerbate allergies. Our decontamination process not only removes visible traces of wildlife but also deep cleans to eliminate these allergens. By thoroughly sanitizing the affected areas and using HEPA filters during cleanup, we can help reduce the presence of allergens, potentially alleviating allergy symptoms associated with wildlife invasions.

Q2. Does Decontamination Address Insect Infestations Related to Wildlife?

A2. Our decontamination services extend to addressing insect infestations that can accompany wildlife invasions. Animals like raccoons, squirrels, and bats can sometimes bring fleas, ticks, and mites into your home, which can become an issue in their own right. As part of our comprehensive approach, we not only clean and sanitize the areas affected by the wildlife but also treat them to eliminate any insects or parasites brought in. This ensures a fully comprehensive restoration of your home's health and comfort.

Q3. Can Decontamination Prevent Future Wildlife Invasions?

A3. Our process includes measures that can deter future wildlife invasions. By thoroughly cleaning and sanitizing the affected areas, we remove the scents and traces left by wildlife, which can attract other animals. Additionally, while our primary focus is on cleaning and sanitizing, we also offer insights and recommendations on sealing potential entry points and making habitat modifications to discourage wildlife from re-entering your home. However, it's important to note that decontamination is just one part of wildlife invasion prevention, and ongoing measures such as regular inspections and maintenance may be necessary for long-term prevention.

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